Good employee communication improves a business’s operations and overall performance. It can enhance team collaboration, engagement, and alignment. So, it’s no surprise organisations are investing in tools that improve workplace communication. Digital signage is a versatile technological tool that can be used to effectively deliver messages, not only to the general public but also within organisations. Here are five ways digital signage can be effectively utilised to improve workplace communications, enhance productivity and help build team relationships.

Provide Important Information

Informed employees are more productive and engaged. Digital signage displays in offices can help disseminate information to employees and ensure that everyone has access to news, company stats, industry insights, and more. Digital displays and video walls can show information and updates about the company. This can include the company’s brand story, milestones achieved, and the company’s vision and values to instill in their employees. These digital notice boards can even be used to display onboarding videos to train new employees, or to promote skills workshops and education programs. We recently worked with Coogee Chemicals to replace their print-signage with digital displays.

Boost Engagement with a Digital Newsletter 

Work emails are already over-saturated with spam messages and welcome emails from “subscriptions” on top of more relevant job-related emails. Uploading your company’s digital newsletter to the digital display can help circulate information effectively and improve staff engagement. A condensed version of the company newsletter can be strategically displayed in common areas such as the break room where employees can see the information during their lunch hours. It will keep the employees informed about the latest news and updates regarding the company.

Promote Company Events 

Many company events have low attendance rates due to employees not opening their emails for event invites. Worse, an opened email does not necessarily mean a definite attendance from the employee. By advertising a special company event on the digital signage, employees will be informed and regularly reminded about the occasion. What’s more, it will get them to talk about the event with their colleagues, another mode of advertising through word-of-mouth!

COVID-19 Awareness

Raising awareness about COVID-19 is a must in all workplaces. Constant reminders to wash hands, practice social distancing, wear masks, and sanitise surfaces should be plastered everywhere for employees to see. Digital signage can provide fast and direct communication to employees regarding the latest news and updates about the organisation’s policies towards COVID-19 to minimise the spread of the virus. Digital signage simplifies the process of sending a message to everyone in the workplace. This is vital, especially when keeping everyone informed about COVID-19.

Share Ideas

Digital signage is not just an effective way to relay information from the management to the employees. It can also be used by the employees themselves to communicate their ideas and opinions or as an outlet for creativity. Some digital screen models are interactive and can display content or allow input of new information when prompted. Having an accessible tool for employees to share ideas with their colleagues or to the senior management can increase transparency within the organisation and boosts employee’s confidence to communicate their thoughts and opinions.

Good communication is important for businesses and organisations, especially with the disruptions of COVID-19. Strategically placed digital signage with well-presented content is an effective way for businesses and organisations to reach customers as well as communicate to their employees. Not only is it agile in circulating information but is also creative and entertaining.

Learn More About Corporate Digital Signage

Discover how a number of businesses and organisations have implemented digital signage to revolutionize workplace communication.


If you’re interested in improving internal communication in your organisation, find out how the friendly experts at Amped Digital can help.