While traditionally more popular in hospitality and retail settings, the use of digital signage for schools is becoming much more widespread. This is allowing educational institutions to connect with their students, who are more digitally minded than ever, in new and interesting ways. It’s also allowing them to be more targeted and creative in their communications, which is helping boost student engagement.

Here we take a closer look at using digital signage for schools and universities, including the benefits this can provide. As part of this, we’ll explore some of the most effective ways educational institutions are using digital signage. We’ll also share our advice on getting the best possible return on investment from a digital signage system.

The benefits of digital signage for schools

When used in schools and universities, digital screens have several clear advantages over traditional signage options. This includes:

  • Supporting more dynamic content: Digital displays allow you to use a much wider range of media types to inform and engage students and faculty. From inspiring imagery and attention-grabbing animation to professional or self-produced video, it’s all possible with a digital signage system.
  • Allowing near-real-time updates: Content can be managed centrally and updated with just a few simple clicks, making it ideal for communicating time-sensitive information. Digital signage can also be integrated with other systems (facilities management, course scheduling, etc.) and programmed to update content automatically.
  • Helping improve safety: Due to its dynamic nature, for schools, digital signage is the perfect choice for supporting emergency management processes and communications. It can be used for everything from publishing proactive safety messages to providing information on evacuation routes and active incidents.
  • Reinforcing a positive reputation: Upgrading to digital signage shows that a school is willing to embrace new ideas and invest in the latest technology. It also provides another channel to celebrate student and faculty achievements, and promote the school’s ethos.
  • Reducing ongoing costs: As content can be created and published virtually, once digital signage is installed, the running and maintenance costs are minimal. Digital displays are also much better for the environment than traditional signage, which needs to be reprinted every time an update is required.
  • Creative uses for digital signage in schools

    One of the biggest selling points of digital signage for schools and universities is the flexibility it provides. In addition to supporting regular announcements, digital displays can also be used to:

  • Welcome new students and faculty: Regardless of whether you’re a student or a teacher, it can be daunting to start at a new school. Digital signage can help with this, providing a friendly introduction and important “first day” information and advice. This is particularly useful for universities, where digital signage can support new students to begin managing their own learning journey.
  • Help people find their way: Most school administration teams spend a significant amount of their time providing directions to specific rooms or offices. Digital signage can help manage this, providing access to detailed campus maps and freeing up staff to focus on more important matters. Signage systems can also include a touchscreen search function, making it even easier for students and visitors to find their own way.
  • Improve the classroom experience: Integrating digital signage into classroom designs can provide a range of benefits for both the teacher and their students. Screens can be used to display a range of digital content (PowerPoint presentations, videos, etc.) complementing the session’s key lessons. Digital signage also supports screen mirroring, and can assist with time management (e.g. countdown clocks for tests) and student performance tracking (e.g. merit boards).
  • Manage facility bookings: Most schools will have specialist spaces or equipment which needs to be booked ahead of time, usually by a teacher. Digital signage can support this process by showing when these facilities are in use and when they will next be available. Digital signage systems can also be integrated with facility management systems, to allow bookings to be made via the screens.
  • Support theatrical and sporting events: Big events, like musical performances and sports carnivals, can bring a lot of new people into the school environment. These visitors often require directions to key areas and information on the event program, which digital signage can provide. Digital screens can also be used to display promotional material, and register interest in attending or participating, in the lead up to the event.
  • Showcase works and achievements: Digital signage can also be a channel for celebrating the successes of the whole school community. For example, digital screens can be used to display creative pieces (e.g. artwork, digital media, etc.) developed by students. They can also be used to promote recent awards and accolades received by the school, its students, and the faculty.
  • Getting the most from your digital signage

    Simply trading your traditional signage solutions for digital displays should deliver a range of benefits. However, if you want to maximise your return on investment, there are a few other simple things you should do. This includes:

  • Strategically plan positioning: As digital displays are more permanent fixtures than most other signage types, their placement needs to be carefully considered. Ideally, digital signage should be installed in high traffic areas, like entryways, break out spaces, cafeterias, and libraries. For universities, digital signage can also be tailored to target different groups by placing screens in certain faculty buildings, etc.
  • Create standard templates: Having a suite of set templates helps make content more consistent and speeds up the development process. It also allows you to visually differentiate between your main messaging types, which should boost recognition and retention. As a general rule, template designs are best kept clean and simple, and text should be concise and minimal. 
  • Embrace imagery: As audiences respond more strongly, and faster, to pictures than text, all content should include some kind of imagery. This could be static photos or drawings, or more dynamic videos or animations, and should match up with the messaging. Imagery should also be eye catching, but not used in a way that distracts from the meaning of the content.
  • Want to discuss this further?

    If you would like more information on using digital signage for schools and universities, give Amped Digital a call. We’re one of Perth’s leading suppliers of digital signage for universities, secondary and primary, and public and private schools. We’re also experts in designing fit-for-purpose systems and can tailor a solution to your needs and budget.